Ready to Start Building DSCVR Canvas?

I am considering creating a DSCVR Canvas development series on dProgrammingUniversity (dPU) after I discovered no DSCVR Canvas development guides on Google/Youtube except for the official docs. It will be 100% FREE with step-by-step Nextjs apps DSCVR Canvas guides (Articles and Videos). Each episode, we will build & deploy together a Nextjs powered DSCVR Canvas (From basic to advance with acces to the code repos) So, If you would like to help make this a reality, here is what you can do (Kindly Comment below): 1. Suggest a name for the episode series. 2. What would you like to see/build together in the series. 3. Tag at least 3 friends to spread the word. 4. Optionally, tag the DSCVR team and share why you think this initiative is worth supporting with a grant. DISCLOSURE: You have been interacting with my Nextjs App via DSCVR Canvas without need to visit the site - Awesome (share me your experience with this Canvas as part of your comment)! Looking forward to kick start this journey with you. Thanks!